

We frame original artwork on paper in mediums such as watercolour, gouache, pastel etc whilst at the same time enhancing and protecting them with conservation quality mounts and undermounts. Where the artwork is 'floated' with no mount, it is secured using archival adhesives and glazing spaced from contact with it. Paintings on canvas or solid boards in oils, acrylics, tempera etc. usually unglazed, can be close framed or floated.



Reproductions of original artwork, posters, maps, engravings almost always benefit from the addition of mounts and protective glazing plus a frame of appropriate size, colour and character. We can offer lots of choice and guidance in the selection of these.



Be it holiday, hobby or occasion photography just the right choice of frame and mounts can make all the difference. The use of Artcare protective mounts together with UV Resist glazing will help retain your photographs original look.



We have lots of experience in the framing of cross stitch, embroidery, needlepoint, tapestry and other fabric art and craftwork. Where these require stretching the work is carried out using the traditional lacing method around an acid free board of substantial thickness.


Sports Shirts and Memorabilia

Sports shirts and other sports clothing together with three dimensional items such as CD's, record sleeves, medals, coins, programmes, tickets etc are all framed in our workshop using various 'box frame' techniques.

10 Denholme Gate Road, Hipperholme,
01422 206927
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framing samples